Friday, January 19, 2007

Planning ahead

As I've stated in my last post, I have lots of goals for the new year. I am happy to report that I have not only set myself goals, but I have taken steps to achieve them. I signed up for my first craft show where I'll be selling my photographs as prints and notecards. So I am busy getting supplies, prints, and putting everything together. I didn't stop there, though. I just registered with, a stock photo agency/portal in England. They act as a middleman between photobuyers and sellers and send out want lists every day. I am busy uploading my photos and may even dust off my transparencies soon.
My bird photography is on hiatus right now. The weather (first rain and now cold) and the fact that I already have photos of the usual backyard birds keep me from shooting too much. I can't wait for spring now, as I have some "dream birds" that have eluded me so far. I'm using my time now to market the photos I already have.
I haven't had too much time for writing this month, but I have submitted entries to two contests and plan on attending Pennwriters Conference this coming May. Once the craft show is over, I'll have more time to write. My plan is to sell at least one article a year. Not a very lofty goal, but my photography takes up quite a bit of time, too.
So, there you have it. In good weather, I'm a bird photographer, and in bad weather, I'm a writer and marketing specialist.

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