Wednesday, February 28, 2007

February Be Gone

Today is the last day of February and I can only say, "Good riddance!" The weather would have been bad enough this month. Subzero temperatures and snow followed by ice rain canceled quite a few appointments and made me housebound. Add to that three malfunctioning appliances (including the furnace, which actually turned out to be a frozen pipe that backed up into it) and a watermain break next door.
Yet, things got worse when I learned that my dad had been admitted to the hospital. And then my husband's uncle died. The funeral was scheduled for yesterday, a day after my birthday. So this year, my birthday was wedged in between a viewing and a funeral.
Because our uncle had been in the Navy during World War II, two retired sailors were present at the cemetery. It was the first military funeral I attended and the taps barely left a dry eye in the small crowd. I don't want to remember our uncle as I saw him last, his mind lost to Alzheimer's disease, but rather as I saw him first, standing next to my husband when I got off the plane after passing through immigration. He was the first relative I saw here in Pittsburgh and he was very kind to us.
There are some good news, though: My dad was released from the hospital yesterday. On the writing front, I am now finalizing a long-time writing project and am also working on a nonfiction article. And--this morning I saw a groundhog and a chipmunk in our backyard. Hopefully, winter will be over soon. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Annette said...

It sure has been a hard winter for so many of us. Glad your dad is doing better.