Friday, June 06, 2008

Communing with Naturalists

I mentioned in my last blog that I got a big assignment--with a short deadline, no less. So yesterday, my husband and I headed out to Powdermill Nature Center to get material for my article and take the photos. Our drive was accompanied by lightning and pouring rain and I was beginning to question our sanity for getting up so early. I was particularly interested in the bird-banding which was supposed to begin around 7 o'clock. That's why we got up at the unreasonable hour of 3:30 a.m. Because of the rain, the banding was delayed but fortunately not postponed. After the rain let off, it got steaming hot. That did not tamper the enthusiasm of the naturalists who really seem to enjoy their jobs. I also learned that they're getting quite a work-out during their research and have to walk miles inspect nesting sites twice a day over uneven terrain and streams. After watching the bird-banding in the morning, I opted to take some photos of the "fish shocker" and his BioForay "crew." I was told that the site was 300 yards away from the parking lot. Because I grew up with the metric system that meant absolutely nothing to me. The hike turned into quite an exercise that involved crossing a stream and bending under fallen trees. And a trail was virtually non-existent. I tried to remember our way since we had to trace it back alone but we had our doubts sometimes. We made it, though, parched and exhausted. My new purchase, a pair of overshoes, proved to be a real help yesterday. Not only did they keep my shoes and feet dry, I didn't slip once.
Most amazing for me was that I met three people who had a) a German wife; b) had been stationed in Germany while in the Army; c) had studied German in college and had actually spent three months in a town that is less than 20 miles away from my hometown! I often run into people who have German connections, but this was a record.
I had to absorb a lot of information yesterday and only wish that Powdermill was closer to our home so we could go out there more often.

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