Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Late November Musings

Pittsburgh is celebrating its 250th birthday this week. I guess that's a long time for Americans. Personally, I think that's just a drop in the bucket. In Germany there are outhouses older than that. I've been to quite a few cities that are two thousand years old and more. Even my hometown once had a Roman villa, dating it pretty far back. Anyway, happy birthday, Pittsburgh!
On the homefront, our cat has turned into a heat-seaking missile. Ever since it has turned cold, she seaks heat in front of a register or in her igloo. And whenever we try to give her her medicine, she turns into a missile who launches behind the couch where we can't catch her. We've had to forego medicating her twice in one week and have now changed our routine to make us less predictable. Believe it or not, these little creatures know our routine to a T. We are determined not to be bested by a cat. But we're thankful that she is still with us considering all her health problems. Tomorrow, we'll reward her with a bit of turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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