Monday, July 12, 2010

Deja vu

When our older cat - aka Miss Grouch - became lethargic and there was no sign of nuggets in the litter box we thought she was constipated from overeating. But when she let us inspect her tummy without putting up a fight we became alarmed enough to take her to an emergency veterinary clinic. After all, this is the equivalent of a kid being sick on a weekend. Alarming!
Our first shock came when the veterinarian told us rightaway that Miss Grouch has fleas. Fleas! She had never had any in her life that we know of. After a blood test and x-ray we learned that MG has kidney problems, probably a kidney stone. Since our sweet Roxy succombed to kidney failure recently, we thought it was deja vu all over again. Hadn't we just been through this?  Did we feed our cats the wrong diet all those years? MG has always been partial to dry food. We now learn that that is not a good thing. Even thought we introduced canned food years ago it might have been too late for her.
The hospital kept her to perform an ultrasound today (KA-CHING!) and we are now waiting for the results. We are also thinking about purchasing a water fountain to encourage our kitty to drink more. After all, we have another, young cat to think about. And we want to do things right the second time around.

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