Friday, September 29, 2006

Fame is not always fleeting

A few days ago, I went to the supermarket and the cashier asked me, "Have you been on TV lately?" I laughed and said, "No, not yet!" I was amazed that she still remembered that I was on KDKA almost a year ago. Last year, I won first place in the amateur category of Wildbird Magazine's anuual photo contest. So I sent a press release to the Post Gazette West edition to include in their people news section. They decided to write an entire, half-page article about my photo of an airborne Tufted Titmouse. Dave Crawley saw the article on the internet and thought it would make a good segment for his KD Country show. I will never forget my amazement when he called me on the phone while I was fixing dinner. He and his cameraman came out the next day and filmed me for two hours in my backyard and at my computer. The segment aired four days later already, barely time enough to alert all my aquaintances. Two days after the show, that same cashier at the supermarket asked me, "Where you on Dave Crawley the other night?"
And now, eleven months later, she still remembers that show! After the magazine with the award winners was published, I received an e-mail from an ornithologist who asked me if she could post my photo on her blog. I gladly obliged and she posted it on Christmas. Her friends thought it was a "Christmas card."
This proves that a small press release can have huge consequences - and that anything posted on the internet can indeed be seen by the entire world.

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