Friday, November 03, 2006

Living the moment

I admit that my mind often wanders off when I'm busy doing mundane chores. That's an occupational hazard for a writer. But when I visit the Audubon Society's nature reserve at Beechwood as I did last Monday, I completely live in the moment. My latest passion is bird photography and I'm always trying to add new species to my list of bird photos.
On Monday, I had only walked a few steps when I noticed quite a few birds in a big tree next to the native American garden. I was overjoyed when I realized they were Cedar Waxwings. I spent hours taking photos of them and a Carolina Wren fledgling that was singing its heart out. My photos turned out to be less spectacular than I hoped. Only a couple wren photos are usable, I'm afraid. However, that just gives me a reason to go back to Beechwood and try again. As long as there are berries to eat, I am confident that the waxwings will be there.
While I walk the trails with my tripod and camera, passers-by often ask me what I'm photographing. I think they don't see the birds at all! I, on the other hand, keep my eyes and ears open to catch the slightest glimpse of a bird, butterfly, or any four-legged wildlife. I don't think about the laundry that awaits me at home or the errands I need to run soon. I live in the moment and observe the subtle changes that occur over the course of a year.
There are many changes for the one who is open to see them. Even in the midst of winter, the forests and fields are by no means dead. They're just awaiting a new beginning. Juncos arrive from Canada and birds that seemed to be absent in the summer appear again. I will never grow tired of watching the cycle of life in my own backyard and at the parks and reserves I visit.

1 comment:

Annette said...

This is something I need to practice more often. I realize the times when I am solidly "in the moment" are the most peaceful and memorable parts of my day. Thanks for reminding me to slow down and enjoy the birds.