Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why I like my critique group

I came to my current critique group by odd circumstances. Years ago, I attended a life-long learning class at the Community College about writing memories and stories. The other three people in class, two women and a man (I'll call him Bill), had taken this class several times and we stayed in touch sporadically. A good while later, Bill called me and told me that one of his church friends was putting together a writing group. Was I interested? Of course I was.
That was several years ago and I barely missed a meeting since. Usually, we are four of five women getting together to discuss our work that ranges from a historical romance, a historical mainstream novel, poetry, and spirituality to nonfiction articles on such varied subjects as bird-watching, garden projects, travel, or memoirs.
Bill shared his memoirs with us and they are truly fascinating. After he retired as an executive for a big department store, he traveled the world for a year. He also obtained a pilot's license. Recently, he self-published his stories as a wonderful book after we encouraged him to do so.
That's what writers do: We cheer each other on. Our critiques are honest, but never harsh. After all, we have to accept enough rejections from editors.
Let's hope we stay together long enough to see all of us get published.

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