Friday, December 08, 2006

March of the Penguins

Last week, I finally watched the DVD March of the Penguins I had bought last summer. I don't know why I didn't watch it sooner. Perhaps I thought it would be depressing. Nothing could be further from the truth. The love and sacrifices the Emperor Penguins demonstrate to rear their young are amazing. Imagine not eating for three months or more! All the while, the males have to balance their precious egg in a brood pouch while moving around and huddling together for warmth. Humans could learn something from their community spirit! Individualists need not apply.
An additional documentary features the lives of the filmmakers during the filming. At the end of the 13 months they spent there, they were sorry to leave the still world of Antarctica. It is hard to imagine a world without noise, except for the penguins.
I could never visit Antarctica (not even in the summer), yet this movie made me want to do something to protect the Emperor Penguins' fragile world. Global warming threatens their living space. A huge iceberg that broke off is already endangering some colonies. If they cannot traverse the ice and get to open water, they - and subsequently their chick - will die of starvation. Hopefully, this movie will enlighten people about the penguins' plight. It would be a shame if these amazing animals succumbed to global warming.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Nice review, Doris. I had wanted to see this movie and missed it, then forgot. You've reminded me. I'll have to pick it up on my next trip to Blockbuster.