Thursday, May 10, 2007

Busy Time

This is the busiest time of year for me. As a bird photographer, I was looking forward to migration to add some new species to my ever growing stock photo list. I was not disappointed since I took some great pictures of an eastern towhee, a white-crowned sparrow, a white-throated sparrow, a cardinal and a red-bellied woodpecker. On my wish list of desirable species is a bluebird. Yes, I do have bluebird photos from last year, but none of them is very sharp. So, on Tuesday, a birder friend and I went out in search of bluebirds. We did find them, including one that sat on top of a No Parking sign, cleaning its feathers. When not grooming itself, it and its mate fed the fledglings in their birdbox. But they didn't let me come close enough to get a really sharp photo. I didn't want to interfere with the feedings of their young so I backed off. On the way back, I took some photos of a yellow warbler, but again they're no more than record shots. So the quest for a great bluebird shot continues.
I am also getting ready for the Pennwriters conference which will begin next week on Friday. This time, I not only have an agent appointment, but I also volunteered to be a time keeper for another agent. Friday promises to be very busy.
I learned yesterday that my nonfiction proposal to Pennsylvania Magazine was accepted. This photo feature will showcase an artist who paints noses on military planes. I am very excited about this and can't wait to go out to the base to photograph some very big birds.
In June, I booked a photo exhibit at the new library in Robinson Township. I am pleased to show my work for an entire month in the town I've lived in for almost 10 years. And besides, I always love to hang around libraries.
Happy spring to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Doris
I stumbled onto your site this morning and thought I would just leave a small comment. I enjoyed reading through your articles and finding another Bird Photographer is always a plus. Good work!
I'll be back...