Friday, June 08, 2007

Frogs and other creatures

On Wednesday, I went to the Audubon Nature Center to photograph birds. I ended up photographing a bullfrog, a green frog and tadpoles (or pollywogs) in all stages on development. The pond at Beechwood was teeming with life, if one looked closely. The bullfrog, for example, was so well camouflaged that it took me a while to discover its eyes sticking out of the scum. At first, it pointed its back at me, but later it was kind enough to show me its side view and a reflection in the pond. I took some pretty good images of it and a green frog. Most amazing, though, was when I noticed a northern cardinal near the pond. I fired away when it caught a dragonfly in its beak. I was also happy when one of the swallows that hovered over the pond to catch insects actually sat down on top of the solar panel to clean itself. All in all, I spent over two hours at the pond. Nature photographers spend a lot of time waiting, but I couldn't have picked a better day to do it. The lighting was mostly good and the temperature was cool enough to enjoy an outing. Now we're back to sticky, hot weather.
My photo exhibit at the Robinson library is already a success. I'm told that people are amazed at my bird photos. They will probably be up till the end of July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful new photos - your patience certainly paid off!