Thursday, August 02, 2007

Spaghetti ice, rain and white storks

I just returned from a trip to Germany. For the first two days, temperatures hovered in the 90s, but then they dropped considerably. So much so that cool, rainy days seemed to be in the majority. The weather affected people's moods and limited my outdoor activities. Unlike during other visits, I was not able to go for a ride until my last day. Stuck in a small town without a car, my days dragged on forever while my dates with friends mostly took place during evenings. One highlight was a mini-reunion from my business school where I met two "girls" I hadn't seen since 1974.
As the title suggests, a visit to Germany is not complete without eating several portions of spaghetti ice. This concoction consists of whipped cream topped by vanilla ice cream which is pushed through a press (similar to a potato press, I assume) and then covered with strawberry topping and white chocolate flakes. Thus, it looks just like spaghetti and tomato sauce, but tastes much better.
Years ago, white storks were reintroduced to my hometown and this time, I was finally able to take some photos of them. I know my pictures aren't very good, but it's the best I could do without a telephoto lens. There were four storks, but one was missing. Mrs. Stork was recently killed during an encounter with a power line. I hope that Mr. Stork finds another mate. I heard that he is quite finicky and won't accept just any lady that comes along. I wish daddy and the kids all the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"white storks were reintroduced"

That's neat, about the storks. Are they reintroducing any other animals that you know of? Maybe to the forest?

I always wonder about reintroducing predators. They've got wolves again, in the Western U.S., which is apparently good for the aspen trees (the wolves scare the elk away from aspen habitat). Aren't bears spreading, too? How close are they to here? And Painters Run Road, close to where I live, was apparently named for 'painters' (panthers, dialect). So will the reintroduction of panthers be next?

What's going to happen to my walks now? And your photography outings? :-) I'm so used to being at the top of the food chain. What might it feel like to be potential prey?