Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Writing and Reading

Ever since I started writing seriously, I have a hard time finding a novel I enjoy reading. Either the plot is weak or non-existent or the characters aren't fully developed. The two books I enjoyed the most this year are The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck and Bleak House by Charles Dickens. Research takes up quite a bit of my time, not to mention all the magazines I get each month. So, I don't have much time to read fiction, and when I read a book I want it to be good. But since I'm writing myself, I find myself dissecting each book instead of just losing myself within its pages. Life is too short to read something I don't enjoy. But my tastes have changed over the years. What I enjoyed at age 20 puts me to sleep now. I guess it's normal to change interests over time. One thing is certain: I still love to read.

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