Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Estimate

On Tuesday evening, we took our older cat, aka Chubby, to the veterinarian for her annual check-up and shots. We learned that not only does she need a teeth cleaning under anaesthesia, she might very well need to have two teeth pulled. Until now, the only health problem she had was her excessive weight and, we suspect, arthritis. In other words, she mirrors our own problems, especially the arthritis part.
The veterinarian printed out an estimate of the cost for the procedure and her assistant handed it to my husband. He studied the total amount and finally uttered, "Ninety thousand dollars?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, grabbed the paper from his hand and disappeared. We glanced at each other, wondering if the real total would amount to the price of a row of houses around these parts. It turned out that the final estimate was also a hefty sum, hefty enough for a cat with some annoying habits. For one, she has become very vocal, particularly when we are trying to sleep. Since she snoozes all day, she does not find anything wrong with meowing at the top of her lungs when we retire for the night. Another problem is that she is scared of everything. I believe the term "scaredy cat" was named after her. She is even afraid of plastic bags. As far as her diet goes, she has not lost as much weight as we had hoped. I will have to feed her even less than before. I'm sure she has a loud answer for that!

1 comment:

Annette said...

She's probably hungry. That's what she's meowing about.

Truthfully, I don't know the answer to that. Skye often wanders the house at night talking. I used to think she was conversing with Sammie cat's ghost.