Monday, April 27, 2009

Heat Wave

Our new serviceberry bloomed briefly, but because of the high winds we have had I didn't even get a chance to photograph it. Oh well, I'll just wait till it gets berries and hope that I can photograph the birds that eat them. I heard that the berries taste good in jams but doubt that I will get enough to go through the trouble. After all, we planted the serviceberry to attract birds and wildlife.
Most of the trees on our hillside are still bare, which is really weird when it's 88 degrees out. I think spring happened sometime between 10 and 12 o'clock on Friday. This is unfair! I've been looking forward to spring for a while and now it's over already?

1 comment:

Annette said...

I, too, was thinking how bizarre to have temperatures in the high 80's and still no leaves on the trees.

But I think we'll still get some spring weather. This is just a tease.