Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Matter of Taste

I have always known that I'm not a beer drinker. But now I know I'm not a birch beer drinker either. After drinking a peppermint phosphate recently, I got brave and decided to try a birch beer. Luckily, I only bought one bottle. Yikes! It is certainly a matter of taste, but not mine. I have a sweet tooth, but this was way over the top. Coming from a area where bakeries bake special (=sweeter) cakes for Americans, I should have known better. My European taste buds cannot be trifled with.
My knee is still giving me trouble and that puts my weekend trip in jeopardy. Right now, I'm on the same medication our cat is on. I can attest that it does improve the appetite, if not my knee. Another call to the doctor is on my agenda.

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